When I was a young lad, my Grandmother Annie Jones told me that Trevor, her eldest son, had gone missing in the Middle East during the second world war and that they all feared the worst. Then by complete chance, younger son Cyril found himself posted to the very place his brother was! Below is the wording of how the local Merthyr press published the story.
Here is another report of a surprise meeting of brothers, both on military service, in the Middle East. The brothers are Trevor, and Cyril Jones, sons of Mr and Mrs Jones, late of Darren View, Merthyr, and at present living at Birmingham. They are also nephews of Bryn Jones, the famous international footballer. The elder brother, Trevor has served four years in India, and 18 months ago was drafted to Cairo. His brother, Cyril, was drafted to the Middle East about a year ago, and it was during a ten days’ leave that the two accidentally met. Neither knew that the other was anywhere near their place of meeting.